Excerpt from an interview with writer-director Rob Zombie.
The look of Halloween II is very different from the first one.
Well I was kinda disappointed with the look of the first one, I didn’t like it, I thought it looked too clean and it really bothered me. I like when movies look kinda dirty. I actually spent a lot of time in post trying to make it look dirtier. So this film I went back and shot it on 16mm instead of 35mm because I wanted it to look really grainy and gritty, and more real, so that when something was dirty it felt dirty. I got a different DP who works differently, we lit things with really low light, and would light the set 360 and I would shoot any direction I wanted and almost never ever moved a light, so if someone walked into the shadows, well there in the shadows, not like when everybody seems to be fully lit no matter what, and at night we would hardly light anything.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The look of Halloween II
michael myers,
rob zombie,
tyler bates