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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Prison Break-The End is Near

By Nellie Andreeva,Hollywood Reporter
November 13,2008

The end could be near for "Prison Break."

The actors on the Fox drama have been notified by 20th TV that the filming schedule might be extended to accommodate production of two additional episodes.

"Prison" writers are yet to pitch ideas about the extra hours, but speculation is that they might serve as a conclusion to the four-year series.

If the two episodes are made, their fate is unclear as the network has not committed yet to air them, though conversations with the studio are under way.

Fox might run the bonus material as two additional episodes in the spring, though that is considered unlikely because "Prison" has struggled in the ratings this fall and the remaining six episodes of its original 22-show order weren't on the network's recently released midseason schedule.

A more plausible scenario has Fox airing the two episodes as a two-hour "event" next season, not unlike the "24" prequel this fall. Or the episodes might end up on the "Prison Break" DVD.

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