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Monday, May 18, 2009

Fox 2009-10 schedule announced: Dollhouse renewed, Sarah Connor Chronicles cancelled

It's official: Fox renewed Dollhouse (in a surprise move) and cancelled TSCC.For quite a while, there were various articles about the fate of each.Well, in an ideal world, i would like both shows to continue, but ...I certainly liked Dollhouse, but if i had to choose between those two, i would choose TSCC, because i am more invested in it.The release of the new movie gave some hope to fans, but i guess we'll never see the aftermath of the second (and final) season finale.

As expected, Fox renewed 24, House M.D, Fringe, Lie to Me and Bones (for two seasons).
Among the new shows: Human Target, Past Life and Glee.
For the full press release (including info on new shows), check: Fox fall schedule announcement

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